
Long-term investment bore fruit – Benders establishes a significant presence.

Benders fabrik

Photo: Benders

The family business Benders is one of the Nordic region’s largest natural stone and concrete manufacturers. They operate throughout the Nordic region and are working intensively to shift as many transport operations as possible to rail. To succeed with sustainable transport to the northern markets, they have been looking for a very specific establishment area that meets their high logistics requirements. A requirement that we were able to meet.

As early as 2009, we at INAB invested in a 40-hectare area at NLC Park with the potential to prepare a railway connection for this type of establishment. As Umeå grows, we want to be ready to create new and more efficient hubs to further position Umeå as a logistics hub for the region, Sweden and northern Europe.

On one side of NLC Park is the Umeå freight yard, and on the other is the ring road around Umeå. This makes it easy and fast to get to and from the E4 and E12 motorways, to other logistics and commercial areas in and around Umeå, and to the Port of Umeå and beyond via the Baltic Sea.

We held detailed discussions with Benders to identify conditions, needs and wishes. Through our broad network of contacts, we were able to connect Benders with the right players quickly. After a dialogue between INAB, Benders and Umeå Municipality’s business services and land and development department, Benders acquired a 6.5-hectare property at NLC Park.

Benders is now building a logistics centre on this site as part of the company’s plan to switch to entirely fossil-free transport as soon as possible. The company sees its establishment in Umeå as a future hub as it continues to build a distribution network throughout northern Sweden and to Vaasa in Finland.

Benders has also decided to build larger premises in Umeå – partly to be able to expand the company’s own operations and to be able to offer other companies storage and logistics solutions. Our work has a ripple effect and contributes to increased sustainability locally, regionally and internationally.

This has become a reality thanks to the close cooperation we at INAB have had with Benders and Umeå Municipality throughout the process.

The establishment is also a clear example of how our working methods and contact network help Umeå Municipality to take important steps towards its sustainability goals – and the goal of having 200,000 inhabitants by 2050.

In brief

Annual product handling

25,000 tonnes

Reduced carbon dioxide emissions (compared to lorry transport)

2,000 tonnes


“Northern Access has been very helpful. We’ve enjoyed rapid turnarounds, have a good relationship and have received excellent help. The plan is for everything to be ready in the second quarter of 2023. Things have moved very quickly, and only a little over a year after we shook hands, we have a warehouse up here for our customers in Norrland.”

– Christer Hofling, Supply Chain Manager

Contact person

  • Hållbarhetsbokslut Vi på INAB värderar hållbarhetsarbetet högt och strävar efter att det ska genomsyra allt vi gör. Med de ansvarsområden som vilar på vår verksamhet har vi också en viktig roll i Umeås fortsatta utveckling. För att tydliggöra och synliggöra vårt hållbarhetsarbete har vi sammanfattat det i ett hållbarhetsbokslut.
  • Möjlig miljardinvestering till Umeå Det Litauiska företaget Kaunas Metal UAB har planer på att investera ca en miljard kronor i en fabrik i Umeå. Kanunas Metal tillverkar armeringsjärn till byggindustrin. Umeå kommun har reserverat ett stort markområde på Klockarbäcken. Går planerna i lås kan det röra sig om 300 arbetstillfällen.