Hörnefors Travel Centre

Hörnefors resecentrum

Hörnefors Travel Centre is located within walking distance of the central part of the Hörnefors urban area. The station was completed in 2011 and is one of several travel centres built in connection with the Bothnia Line.

Inspiration from the mill community

Hörnefors’ history as a mill community has inspired the building’s architecture. The façade comprises red brick with black glazed brick bands, and the wide copper roof edge frames the building nicely. The central part of the building consists of large glass panels facing in three directions, and provides an excellent space for the smaller waiting rooms. The walls of the central section are slightly slanted and give the building a striking expression. As the platform extends over the Hörneån river, this means that another communication route over the Hörneån river has been created. From the platform, you can see the sedum roof on the two lower parts of the building.

INAB owns the station property and is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the travel centre. The Swedish Transport Administration is responsible for maintaining the tracks and platforms.

Information for travellers is available at dinstation.se External link..

In brief

Year of construction


Number of floors

2 st

Hörnefors resecentrum miljöbild

Hörnefors’ history as a mill community has inspired the building’s architecture. The facade consists of red brick with elements of black glazed brick bands, and the wide copper roof edge frames the building nicely.

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